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Global Talent in High Demand

Global talent is in high demand and our white paper report only highlighted this fact. Historically the United States has caught 40-50% of the stream into OECD countries, Australia is fourth on this list, preceded by the UK and Canada.

The land of the free also tends to win as a destination for the most highly skilled talents. They are able to capitalise on this due to their O-1 Visa, where “extraordinary talent must demonstrate sustained national or international acclaim” the other option is their EB-1 Green Card, which provides permanent residency for ‘extraordinary ability with outstanding academic or work achievements”. In 2019, both visas were issued almost at their threshold.

The United Kingdom has more recently established a Global Talent visa, for recognised leaders who once again have “achieved national or international acclaim” and emerging leaders who demonstrate future potential, as well as research scientists. The visa program also includes a fast-track service for research scientists. Prior to the pandemic, the UK experienced a 50% increase in visas granted for the former visa in the category, Tier 1 Exceptional Talent.

Canada actually doesn’t have a specific visa for exceptional talent, as they have work visa programs which enable non-citizens to migrate within a fairly quick time-frame. However, in 2020, they created “a million-immigration quota plan” to help their economic growth and recovery from the pandemic. According to IRCC – Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada, they exceeded their 2021 goal with over 400,000 new permanent residents.

Australia’s Global Talent Visa Program is a Federal Government initiative designed to incentivise the best talent across the globe to live and work in Australia. By bringing in international talent we can benefit from;

• Transferring and building Australia’s skills base

• Increasing productivity and filling in critical gaps in capability

• Promoting innovation in future-facing industry sectors

• Expanding channels of capital available for investment

Australia has long benefited from international arrivals bringing talent and skills to fuel our economic growth. Border closures during the pandemic highlighted our dependence on overseas skills across the economy.

The AOYE Group are committed to filling the gaps and supporting Australia’s key industry sectors requiring much needed talent and exceptional skills.



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