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Are We Rubbish at Rubbish?

According to Inside Waste, the Recycling Behaviours Report by Cleanaway found that 89% of Aussies think recycling is important and 74% believe they are good at it, however studies show that only 25% of people separate waste correctly.

Encouragingly, wastage has never been so top of mind as it is today; from fashion to food waste, electronic and battery waste to tyres and other automobile waste. We have become far more aware of what happens once we toss an item in the bin not just as individuals in our own homes but from a business and industry perspective. We’ve even created a new industry for it, Circular Economy.

Children are now learning about recycling and the impact on the environment from a very early age, even in preschool the topic is advocated and again through primary school.

As for separating waste and recycling correctly, there is a new online platform Greenius that empowers people to make the right decisions for disposing of their everyday household waste.

The good news is Australia is serious about reducing waste and putting valuable recycling materials to waste and the Australian Government is investing in the Circular Economy, with grants and incentives to encourage the innovative minds, talent and skills required to achieve the below goals.

  • working to meet or beat 80% recovery rate of our waste by 2030

  • regulating the export of glass, plastic, tyres, paper and cardboard

  • investing more than $1 billion to turbocharge our waste and recycling industries

  • supporting industry-led recycling schemes through the $26 million National Product Stewardship Investment Fund

  • halving our food waste by 2030

Australia’s Circular Economy is a priority sector looking to bring the talent required here to transform waste into furniture, clothing, fencing, road and rail infrastructure and so much more and there are plenty of funding opportunities being provided.



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